Why You Need a Good Drainage System

Drainage System

(knavilio / pixabay)

A staggering 85% of home repair expenses in the United States are due to water damage. It’s devastating when foundations get flooded, pipes break, or roofs leak, causing severe water damage. More often than not, such water damage results from either a poor drainage system, misguided landscape irrigation, or uncontrollable runoff. Your foundation and yard are at risk of being damaged if you don’t have a quality drainage system.

Luckily, devastating damage can be avoided and fixed by installing or upgrading your drainage system. As Drainage contractors in Naperville, we guide people through this process all the time. It’s painful when expenses arise from something you could have avoided with a few simple steps, so we aim to help homeowners avoid the headache altogether.

Damage to Your Property

A sound drainage system is crucial in protecting your property. Without one, you may experience the following:

  • Concrete and asphalt damage
  • Structural and foundation damage
  • Gutters that overflow
  • Water stains in the basement
  • Deterioration of building material
  • Erosion
  • Pests
  • Mold
  • Wood Rot

Types of Drainage Solutions

Every drainage situation and landscape is different and requires a system designed to keep water moving in the right direction. If you have problems with drainage in your yard, you may need to consider one of the following options:

  • French Drain: We offer French drain installation in Hinsdale. This is a drainage system commonly used in residential areas. It consists of trenches that hold pipes filled with gravel. Water excretes into the ground through the rock to divert it away from your home.
  • Dry Well: Another excellent and environmentally-friendly option is a dry well. A well diverts water into a well underground to be distributed back into the soil. This option helps to conserve water.
  • Corrugated Tubes: Corrugated tubes are essentially tubes above ground or buried underground that coincide with downspouts to direct water away from your home or building instead of letting it fill up into a lower area. This type of drainage is often used to divert water to a landscaped area that requires frequent watering.
  • Lawn Grade Correction: Water always flows to the lowest spot. Thus, the land around your house must slope away from the foundation in the direction of nearby drains to avoid disaster. You may need to correct your lawn grade if your lawn mowing is uneven or if water tends to accumulate in low areas near your foundation.

5 Signs of a Poor Drainage

There are some sure signs that something isn’t working correctly with your drainage system. You should consider the effects of poor drainage systems and counter them so they don’t affect your yard.
Don’t ignore these five signs:

1. Erosion

One of the most common issues with a poor drainage system is erosion and our landscape drainage services in Naperville can help you repair this issue. As water runs over land and down slopes, it takes soil with it, stealing nutrients away from plants. Erosion can damage your garden beds and even cause damage to your sidewalks and foundations by removing support beneath them. Gaps can grow so large that it leads to a collapsed patio or walkway.

2. Water Overflowing Gutters

Your gutter system is designed to channel rainwater and snowmelt to the corners of your home and away from the foundation. They prevent water from pouring down the side of your home and soaking the ground around the foundation. If your gutters aren’t properly cleaned or if they are too small, they may not be able to handle large volumes of water. Water will flow over the top or seep underneath the gutter, allowing excess moisture to build around your home.

3. Warping in Your Wood Floor

A poor drainage system can even cause water damage to your floors. Water can invade your crawlspace or erode the soil around your foundation. Water buildup in your crawlspace can cause the area under your floors to become excessively moist. The result is floors that swell and warp. It is also important to check this before winter and resolve your yard drainage system problems before the cold season.

4. A Clogged Drain

Mother Nature often causes storms or high winds that blow dirt, leaves, trash, rocks, and other debris around your property. These things may also blow into your drains and clog them, preventing them from doing their job and diverting water from your home. If you notice that a drain on your property is backing up with water, call a yard drainage professional come to check for blockages.

5. Wet Crawlspace

A soggy, water-logged crawl space can lead to a magnitude of problems. Mold and mildew thrive in this environment and can be detrimental to your health. A damp crawlspace can also lead to structural problems with your home’s roof, framing, and flooring. A wet crawl space can also invite all kinds of unwanted pests who enjoy damp, dark environments.

An improper drainage system can be disastrous in more ways than one. It can cause massive flooding, expensive damage, destruction to gardens, crops, and plants. Worst of all, it could lead to disease and sickness due to mold and mildew growth.

Water damage also raises the risk of pests like mosquitoes and other insects that carry diseases. The cost of getting a proper drainage system is well worth it when you consider what’s at risk and the cost of repairing water damage. If you notice any signs of a poor drainage system, take action soon to get it resolved. You’ll be glad you did.