Naperville Permeable Pavement Contractors

Each year, homeowners and commercial property owners in Naperville, Illinois see substantial moisture (including heavy rain and snowfall) impact their property. The local climate can lead to plush, prize-winning lawns, but it can create stressful flood and standing water issues, too.

If you have paved, landscaped areas throughout your yard, but have used non-permeable pavement material, these issues can become rampant. Permeable pavement provides a sustainable, green solution for your landscaping woes.

A professional, passionate team of permeable pavement contractors in Naperville can help you keep your yard green while protecting excess water runoff and other water problems.

Detail of pavement and green grass in yellow leaves

What is permeable pavement?

Permeable pavement and permeable paver contractors first went to work in the 1980s and were introduced in European countries to help combat water run-off and increase the load-bearing capacity of pavement surfaces.

Permeable paving material is water-absorbent and visually appealing. As an alternative to non-absorbent surfaces such as concrete and asphalt, permeable pavement allows water molecules to infiltrate or be absorbed by its material.

This type of paving is extremely helpful in flood mitigation, water retention, storm drain runoff detention, and durability in climate change.

Permeable pavers on a sunny day

How Naperville landscapers can help install permeable pavement

The right Naperville landscaping company will have an excellent team of permeable pavement contractors. The professional team at Ware Landscaping can help incorporate permeable paving into the organic flow of your landscape.

Permeable pavement contractors who have extensive landscaping knowledge and experience can:

  • Offer you a consultation. Our professionals will explore the geography and features of your property. We will assess where you can install permeable paving materials and calculate the cost for you.
  • Determine which permeable materials will work best for your needs and integrate well with the rest of your landscaping.
  • Ensure that your permeable pavement works seamlessly with your yard grading, hardscaping, and yard drainage system.
  • Implement any landscaping transformation needed to install permeable paving materials.
  • Create permeable paving features that highlight the beauty of your yard.
  • Use environmentally-friendly, sustainable, and kid and pet-friendly materials to bolster the benefits of permeable paving on your property.
  • Maintain the functionality and aesthetics of permeable paving for you.

Permeable wood pavers made of Black Locust

Types and examples of permeable pavement 

Many landscapes incorporate permeable pavement into their designs. Driveways, walkways, patios, and pool areas may all utilize permeable paving — and look amazing as a result.

There are five types of permeable pavers for walkways our Naperville landscaping contractors can use:

  • Asphalt Pavers:

Permeable asphalt has been used in many urban areas in recent years, but can be part of your home landscaping design too. This asphalt is used in graded areas (such as driveways) and provides excellent water retention.

  • Concrete Pavers:

Believe it or not, permeable concrete actually helps the health of your soil. This type of concrete allows pooled water to travel through the surface to the topsoil underneath, providing much needed nourishment.

  • Grass Pavers:

Typically used in areas with low traffic, grass pavers are plastic and incorporate plant life (such as grass) into their design.

  • Gravel Pavers:

Gravel pavers allow you to incorporate gravel into your landscaping design, and work similarly to grass pavers.

  • Unit Pavers:

Interlocked units of permeable concrete, filled with gravel or sand that are primarily used to disperse stormwater runoff.

Although permeable pavement has become a favorite source of material for government projects and public roadways, it’s widely used in green landscaping design as well.

Some examples of permeable paving used in landscaping include:

  • Cobblestone walkways:

Permeable stones act as water retainers and the spaces between them allow water runoff to reach the soil without overwhelming it.

  • Driveways:

For example, if your neighbor has a blacktop driveway with a porous-looking, spongy feel, it’s permeable pavement.

  • Gravel Tree Base Areas: 

Added permeable gravel to your tree and garden design can help your plant life to flourish and combat soil erosion.

Why use permeable pavements in Naperville?

If you’re a Naperville homeowner or commercial property owner, permeable pavement can help cure your flooding and standing water woes, help the environment, and look great while doing both!

Whether you’re repaving your driveway or adding a pool to your backyard landscaping, permeable pavement has numerous benefits. Although the paving material is more expensive than non-permeable materials, it provides great durability and is cost effective in the long-term.

The benefits of permeable paving include:

  • Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable:

The material can absorb and reduce pollutants from stormwater runoff and can be made from recyclable materials. It’s also extremely durable and cracks rarely occur.

  • Promotes Water Conservation:

The water trapped by permeable pavement slowly soaks into the ground areas in need of moisture. Thus, the need to water your yard will decrease.

  • Provides Source for Groundwater:

Permeable pavement allows a slow absorption rate of excess water into your soil, and becomes a source for groundwater.

  • Temperature Control:

Permeable paving material doesn’t act as a heat insulator, but can work as a natural coolant. For example, if you use permeable concrete or asphalt on your driveway or in your pool area, you won’t have to worry about your kids burning their bare feet during the summer.

In the winter, this pavement will promote quicker snow melt and prevent the need to use excessive road salt to de-ice your driveway and walkways.

Contact Ware Landscaping

For over 20 years, Mike Ware and the team at Ware Landscaping have dedicated their passion and experience to help Naperville property owners get the most out of their yards.

Our customers become part of our family as we work with them throughout each season and over many years, to ensure they can enjoy their greatest personal investments.

Our services don’t end with landscaping design and implementation. We care about every aspect of your property and want to help you increase its value while alleviating stress. Our permeable pavement contractors in Naperville will work with you to select the right areas to install our environmentally-friendly, sustainable materials that will make your yard shine.

Contact us today for your consultation, and our Naperville permeable pavement contractors can get started on creating the yard of your dreams.

Be sure to check out our resources for landscaping trends and tips!

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