Yard Drainage Solutions in Chicago

When you take a glance out your window after a storm, do you spot soggy, wet, and muddy areas that hang around for days — no matter what you do to get rid of them? You could have major yard drainage problems. 

The extreme weather changes in Chicago can make managing excess water on your lawn a real pain. To keep your lawn in top shape, you might need the help of yard drainage experts.

Our drainage professionals at Ware Landscaping help home and business owners throughout Chicagoland with lawn drainage issues — and we can help you, too.

A garden sprinkler on a sunny day, which is vital for plant growth.

Does your Chicago property have drainage problems?

When you look out at your lawn, you don’t want to find stagnant water. It’s unattractive and keeps you from enjoying your outdoor space.

An unsightly lawn isn’t the only disadvantage to drainage problems. It also leads to several other issues:

  • Constantly tracking mud into your house because your lawn is always soaked
  • A slipping hazard caused by the excess water freezing during the winter
  • Swarms of mosquitoes and other bugs due to puddles in the summer
  • Deterioration of your house’s foundation from too much water
  • Mold and dampness inside the house

Having a yard full of stagnant water is a real nuisance. When you think about all the other issues it causes, you’ll want to do something about it right away.

A garden submerged in water due to heavy rain

Our Chicago yard drainage services

Chicago residents recognize Ware Landscaping as a family-run company that treats our clients as well as our own families. We provide a variety of lawn drainage services in Chicago, including:

  • French drains: A French drain is a type of underground piping system that moves any surplus water away from your property, protecting against soil erosion, promoting the stability of your vegetation, and safeguarding against water damage to your foundation.
  • Gutters and sump pumps: A sump pump is placed in the basement of your home or business to take stormwater from the gutters and downspouts and keep it from saturating the ground. Once the pump takes in the water, it relocates it to another area.
  • Dry wells: Dry wells are underground basins that absorb and release any extra water through rock and gravel that is set up around the basin.
  • Channel drains: Channel drains are typically set in paved areas like driveways, walkways, and near in-ground swimming pools to keep water from pooling on the surface.

We also offer regular maintenance for your yard drains and gutters to ensure your outdoor drainage system runs smoothly throughout the year.

Yard drainage installation process

The installation of a drainage system at your home or business is something we take very seriously. We keep track of all the details and ensure the project gets completed on time. 

Here’s what you can expect from our process when we install a French drain:

  1. Free evaluation. We offer a complimentary assessment in order to find the origin of your drainage issue. Often, there are a few factors at play and our experts are trained to identify all of the causes of improper drainage.
  2. Installation preparation. We plan ahead for installation by digging a trench for your underground water removal system. When selecting the spot for the trench, we consider the distance from your home or building and the location of hardscaping if you have any.
  3. Laying pipes and adding gravel. We fit the trench with a cutting-edge system composed of gravel, piping, and a protective covering. We also place catch basins to ensure that the system can handle any amount of rain or snowfall.
  4. Re-grading and finishing touches. We replace the soil and lay down fresh sod in the areas that have been refurbished. When we’re finished, your yard will look brand new.

We guarantee our work for ten years without any questions asked. If you experience standing water on your property during that period, our Chicago landscaping and yard drainage specialists will address the issue without charging you.

Should you fix your yard drainage problem yourself?

It’s possible to find step-by-step guides for almost any project online, including installing yard drains. However, a DIY tutorial you found on YouTube does not guarantee success if you attempt it on your own. We’ve heard from customers who have tried to install their own drains — and faced significant issues.

Some of the biggest problems with installing your own drain are:

  • Grading and downward water flow. Your yard might seem to have an appropriate downward slope, however, it’s nearly impossible to tell without measuring. If you don’t grade properly, water may not drain and installing pipes could result in an unlevel surface that requires a professional to fix.
  • Power lines. If you run into power lines on your property while trying to install a drain, you may end up damaging them, which could cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair. You could also get electrocuted if you’re not careful.
  • Poorly built drain. When constructing an exterior drain, it’s essential to choose the correct gravel and piping, to correctly and firmly line the trench, and to cover the drain using the right type of soil. Unless you can do all these tasks correctly yourself, it’s recommended they be done by Chicago yard drainage experts.

Garden hose and spray gun attachment


How do I fix bad drainage in my yard?

You could fix bad drainage by extending your downspouts, removing any large rocks that obstruct water flow, watering your lawn less often, or several other methods. If your yard drainage problem is serious, however, these DIY solutions won’t be much help.

To get at the root of your problem and truly eliminate excess water in your yard, you should contact professional yard drainage contractors.

How do you drain water from your yard to the street?

To drain excess water from your lawn, you need some type of yard drainage system. It could involve a gravel-filled trench running from a low spot in your yard to an exit point, known as a French drain. You could also install catch basins underneath your downspouts and then make a route for the water to follow away from your yard.

Our Chicago yard drainage experts can help you deal with excess water on your lawn. We’ll come up with a solution tailored to your property that eliminates flooding in your yard.

Does gravel help with drainage?

Gravel can be a huge help with yard drainage problems. A two to three-inch gravel layer can deter water buildup, and it can be used to help direct the flow of water in your yard. Gravel is also eco-friendly and can be used in a decorative way for flower beds or pathways.

Contact Ware Landscaping for your Chicago outdoor drain

At Ware Landscaping, we value every client we work with. We treat all our clients like family and it shows in our detailed workmanship and constant communication with you during the installation process. Stop fretting over your waterlogged lawn and call us at 630-557-8170. 

Our landscaping and yard drainage specialists in Chicago will give you a no-cost evaluation of your yard’s water drainage issue.

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